After Aaron
a month ago - 7 minute read
The beginning of a wider piece exploring Aaron’s life, the ups and the downs, but starting with the end.
3 Months
7 months ago - 4 minute read
Merry Christmas Aaron. It’s my first one without you, and it also means it’s been around 3 months now since I lost you.
Sacramental Submersion: Becoming a Cave Diver in Mexico
8 months ago - 8 minute read
Despite initial fears, my experience learning to Cave Dive in Mexico became a transformative journey, offering solace and a connection to forces greater than myself, akin to a spiritual encounter.
Peripatetic: Stepping Outside, Alone
8 months ago - 6 minute read
Today was my second day abroad after I left Australia for a multi-month trip around the world, starting in South America, through to Africa, before ending in Europe. I reflect on my intentions for this trip and what I hope to get out of it.
After the Wards: One Month of being a Young Gay Widower
10 months ago - 10 minute read
I lost my husband and partner of seven years to an aggressive cancer in less than 9 months. I discuss how tragedy fuels turbulence but also deeply renewed purpose in life.
Migrating from React Boilerplate to Next
a year ago - 3 minute read
I found that migrating to NextJS allowed me to retain my components and layout I was already using while also exposing my application to easier deployment tools and better SEO.
Cameras, Mirrors and Soiling? A year of Reflection
4 years ago - 7 minute read
It's possible to improve reflectance estimation of solar mirrors by reducing image resolution intentionally. This was my engineering thesis.